Program Management
Oversight by an experienced project management team
Our program development staff has a wide range of specialized knowledge, including project management, equipment specification and installation, and employee recruiting and training.
Attention to detail and follow-through
We do our homework up front by thoroughly researching every detail of the implementation schedule and project plan. This instills ownership and accountability by all participants, ensuring that the details and goals of our plans and schedules are realistic and achievable.
We deliver excellent results in project implementation -- time after time.
Essential information for measuring program effectiveness
Data management ensures precise, timely and effective program monitoring, management and evaluation. Data management is essential in determining how much vehicle repairs reduce tailpipe emissions. It also helps track the contribution of I/M programs to overall air quality. Data management can also accurately assess the impact that a fleet of vehicles is having on regional air quality.
Teaming up for quality assurance
Based on the principles of data accuracy, system integrity, and program security, ESP utilizes a standard approach to quality assurance. Beginning with rigorous software testing and reviews at the engineering level, testing of our processes continues independently through the QA Department. Walk-through and peer review audits are performed throughout the software design and development cycle to ensure proper coding, design, testing and installation. Best practices are followed in developing optimal scripts to ensure that the end product performs as specified.