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General RSD information
Emissions Inventory with RSD (PDF, 668K)
ESP Remote Sensing Experience (PDF, 208K)
RSD for Non-Technicals (PDF, 140K)
Hong Kong Study (2000) (PDF, 304K)
India Telephone Seminar (PDF, 308K)
Remote Sensing Milestones (2004) (PDF, 3.8M)
RSD - A Natural Complement to OBD I/M Programs (PDF, 1 MB)
RSD Smoke Measurement (PDF, 44K)
Smoke Channel Theory (PDF, 32K)
Snap-Idle Opacity vs PM Emissions (PDF, 348K)
USEPA Guidance
Clean Screen (PDF, 108K)
Gross Emitter (PDF, 120K)
Program Evaluation (PDF, 452K)